Big data
on small things

Our technology made simple
3D imaging of each and all colloidal objects
The problem we solve:
When analysing colloids, one used to have to choose between information quality and high throughput. Not with Holloid !

Our technology
In-line phase-contrast holography
Recording defocussed images
Numerical ‘back-propagation’ generates a stack of pictures
representing the light-field in 3D
including phase information
This information is used to simulate different contrast methods, including novel ones
From these, all the objects in a sample volume can be found and characterized
The objects can be tracked in space and the dynamics can be characterized by applying this to a movie or live footage in real-time
Sharper and faster images
Sharper and higher contrast images of the objects than with current technologies
We can filter and discriminate particulates in colloidal media that others cannot
Our fast algorithms allow to analyze the information in real-time
Our in-line phase-contrast holography enables
real-time cytometric analysis
label-free 3D microscopy

See more than ever before:
Static and dynamic properties
Holloid provides real-time multi-dimensional data on physical characteristics. We can quantify the following physical properties in real-time for all objects:
Static properties (require snapshots only):
amount of scattered light (dry mass)
inner structure (of cells: centrosome, inclusion bodies, etc.)
Dynamic properties (require multi-image acquisition, “movies”):
translational diffusion (hydrodynamic size)
rotational diffusion (asymmetric objects)
sedimentation rate (density)
interaction potentials
including motion and interactions, of cells and other colloids, based on 3D imaging, with the throughput of cytometry.